Choosing a financial advisor is no small decision, and choosing the right financial advisor can be a life-changing step, and it should be a positive one. When you’re unsure, it’s much easier to put off the search year after year. You could have numerous reasons why you have delayed your hunt for a financial advisor. Perhaps you have a retirement account with your employer and no real outside investments. Maybe you’ve been pleased with the performance of stock positions you chose years ago and don’t want to touch a thing.
Questions come up that remain unanswered. One of which is: how much does a financial advisor cost? Or: aren’t wealth management services expensive? At some point, you have likely thought, “Do I have enough money to hire a finance pro?” Although all the considerations above are important, hiring a financial advisor isn’t as tough or expensive as you might think.
Certified Financial Advisors offer a wide range of services to address the needs of a variety of investors. Consider these real-life scenarios that require different types of financial advisory services:
Experienced financial advisors can help you to find the most tax-friendly way of making new investment decisions. Also, remember that having your tax accountant and financial advisor working together can have a tremendous impact on what deductions get applied. At a firm like SD Mayer, your tax accountant and financial advisor are one in the same, meaning that your tax planning and financial planning are part of an integrated plan.
So, to the question, how much does a financial advisor cost? There are two classes of financial advisor fee structures: fee-only or commissioned. Choosing a fee-only advisor is ideal. Why? Fee-based financial planner sales structures are usually very straightforward. Some financial planners charge by the hour. Whether or not you add to your mutual fund or buy new stock shares, you pay the same amount. Wealth managers charge a monthly or quarterly consulting fee of 0.9% - 1.5% of the market value of your portfolio.
Financial planners who are paid on commissions can’t demonstrate the same level of independence as easily. Essentially, they base their main source of profits on the number of trades they make on investments they sell you. Commissions-based businesses are also tied more closely to quarterly sales targets and cycles.
It’s never too soon to start looking for a financial advisor. So, how much does a financial advisor cost? You should never get charged for an initial consultation. A good financial advisor expects you to take the time you need to decide whether they are the right fit. And the cost is minimal when compared to doing nothing.
SD Mayer explains what your options are and what they will mean to you down the road. They are available to answer any of your questions, happily! Decades of wealth management experience in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond will help you feel confident that utilizing a financial advisor will ultimately help you see greater returns on your investments and set you off on a solid financial path.
SD Mayer’s team of wealth managers work with every kind of investor, so whether you are just getting started or are highly experienced, we can work with you where you’re at to achieve whatever financial goals you may have. Contact us today to get started with an initial consultation.