If your company has benefits, our employee benefit plan auditors will make sure your documentation is accurate and meets all applicable statutory requirements. At SD Mayer & Associates, we work with businesses and not-for-profit organizations to perform in-depth and detailed analyses of employee benefit plans. We have more than 40 years of experience working with clients across the globe, and we offer personalized employee benefit plan services that can help you get the most from your annual audit.
At SD Mayer & Associates, we provide effective and efficient employee benefit plan services according to all applicable standards, laws and government regulations. We have over four decades of experience working with not-for-profit and for-profit clients with up to 1,000 employees, and our work spans a wide range of industries. Our employee benefit plan auditors are experts in their fields, and your audit will benefit from the knowledge base of our extensive professional network of attorneys, plan administrators and asset managers.
Our tailored approach to employee benefit audits includes:
SD Mayer & Associates employee benefit plan auditors can examine your financial statements to ensure that they are accurate and formatted under the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). These audits cover plan contributions, investments, benefits payments, administrative costs and much more to gain reasonable assurance and protect against fraud and abuse.
If your business or organization operates a benefits program with 100 participants or more, you must retain an independent firm for your annual audit. Title I and Title IV of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and the Internal Revenue Code require that you attach an independent financial audit statement to your annual Form 5500 submission to the Department of Labor (DOL).
In-depth advice on wealth management, outsourced accounting, tax, and audit services.
Submit your Form 5500 on time and with confidence with employee benefit plan services from recognized experts. To learn more about employee benefit audits in the Bay Area, Silicon Valley or anywhere in the world via remote connection, reach out to us online.